Audi Q3 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q3: Lane Change Assistance, Calibrating

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Calibration Tool -VAS6350-


- The Lane Change Assistance Control Module -J769-/ Lane Change Assistance Control Module 2 -J770- must be calibrated using the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester during the following conditions:

  • Lane Change Assistance Control Module -J769- or Lane Change Assistance Control Module 2 -J770- was replaced.
  • The rear bumper cover was damaged.
  • The rear bumper cover was removed and installed.
  • The DTC "no or incorrect basic setting/adaptation" is stored in the DTC memory.

Preparing for Calibration

Audi Q3. Preparing for Calibration

1 - Calibration Tool - Spacing Laser -VAS6350/2-

  • For distance measurement
  • For information on usage. Refer to the Operating Instructions.

2 - Calibration Tool -VAS6350-

3 - Level

  • On the Calibration Tool -VAS6350-
  • To check the horizontal position of the Calibration Tool -VAS6350-

4 - Catch Bracket

  • To mount the Calibration Tool - Spacing Laser -VAS6350/2- for the distance measurement
  • Distance to the Calibration Tool - Wheel Center Mountings -VAS6350/1- on the rear wheels: dimension -a- = 1700 +- 2 mm

5 - Calibration Tool - Wheel Center Mountings -VAS6350/1-

  • With wheel bolt adapter and measuring paddle

6 - Brand Emblem

  • The laser point is aligned on the center of the brand emblem

7 - Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4-

  • Is moved from one side of measuring field to the other during calibration
  • When installed correctly, vehicle electrical system voltage line must be connected at bottom left of calibration device (as seen in direction of travel)

8 - Measurement Scale

  • For positioning the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4-

9 - Calibration Tool - Linear Laser -VAS6350/3-

  • With "laser eye protection"
  • On the Calibration Tool -VAS6350-
  • To turn on and off. Refer to the Calibration Tool -VAS6350- Operating Instructions.

10 - Plastic Foot

  • Quantity: 3
  • Can be adjusted for adjusting the horizontal position of the Calibration Tool -VAS6350-


- Move the vehicle onto a solid, flat surface.

- Set the parking brake - the vehicle must not move during the measuring.

- Place the front wheels in a straight-ahead position - steering wheel in 0 position.

- Connect the vehicle diagnostic tester. Refer to Vehicle Diagnostic Tester.


If a malfunction message appears in the display. Refer to Vehicle Diagnostic Tester.

- Turn on the ignition.

- Remove sticker with metal foil from bumper cover if necessary.

- Secure three suitable wheel bolt adapters for the wheel bolts on each Calibration Tool - Wheel Center Mountings -VAS6350/1-.

- Insert the measuring paddle on both Calibration Tool - Wheel Center Mountings -VAS6350/1- and secure with lock nut.

- Place the Calibration Tool - Wheel Center Mountings -VAS6350/1- onto the wheel bolts on both rear wheels.

  • The wheel center sensor rotation center must be in wheel rotation center.


Place the Calibration Tool - Wheel Center Mountings -VAS6350/1- on wheels so that "anti-theft wheel bolts" are not connected with wheel center mounting.

- Adjust the measuring paddle with aid of locking nuts so that they move freely just above the floor.

  • The measuring paddles must move easily.
  • The measuring paddles must be vertical.

Audi Q3. N94-10685

- Position the Calibration Tool -VAS6350- at distance -a- from rear wheels.

  • Dimension -a- = 1700 mm.

Audi Q3. A96-10286

- Switch on the Calibration Tool - Spacing Laser -VAS6350/2- with the ON button.

Display on the Calibration Tool - Spacing Laser -VAS6350/2-:

  • "- - - m"


The laser is switched on at same time.

Audi Q3. N94-10681

- For distance measurement, hold the Calibration Tool - Spacing Laser -VAS6350/2--2- flush to the right stop bracket as illustrated.

  • The Calibration Tool - Spacing Laser -VAS6350/2- must lie firmly against the catch bracket.

- Make sure the "laser beam" for the distance measurement contacts the paddle on the lower enlarged part -1-.

If this is not the case, measure paddle height must be corrected using locking nuts on Calibration Tool - Wheel Center Mountings -VAS6350/1-.

Audi Q3. N94-10684

- Briefly press the ON button for distance measurement.

Display on the Calibration Tool - Spacing Laser -VAS6350/2-:

  • "1.700 m" (specified value: 1700 +- 2 mm).

- Repeat measurement procedure from left catch bracket to left rear wheel.

  • The distance value must be the same on both sides.

If both measured values are not the same, adjust the Calibration Tool -VAS6350- accordingly.

Performing Calibration

Vehicle Diagnostic Tester is attached.

- Choose operation mode Diagnosis and start the diagnosis.

- Select the tab test plan.

- Select select individual tests and choose the following sequence.

  • Body
  • Electrical Equipment
  • 01 - OBD-capable systems
  • 3C - Lane change assistance control module - J769
  • 3C - Lane change assistance control module, functions
  • 3C - Calibration

The Vehicle Diagnostic Tester continues with the calibrating procedure from here on.


  • The following information clarifies which version of the lane change assistance is installed (version SWA1.7).
  • This information for adjusting the calibration device is important for later steps in the procedure to avoid malfunctions.

Audi Q3. A96-10289

- Secure the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4- at right rear of the Calibration Tool -VAS6350- mount.

  • When installed correctly, vehicle electrical system voltage line must be connected at bottom left of calibration device (as seen in direction of travel).

Dimension -a- is measured from the upper edge of calibration device to the floor.

Audi Q3. A96-10625

Audi Q3. Performing Calibration

- The indicator on the base of the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4- must align with adjustment dimension on the measuring scale -1- on measuring field -arrow-.

Audi Q3. Performing Calibration

- Connect the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4- to the vehicle electrical system voltage.

- Bring Calibration Device -VAS6350- into horizontal position by turning plastic base.

  • Observe the bubble level (sight glass) on the Calibration Tool -VAS6350--arrow-.

Audi Q3. N94-10686

- Switch on the Calibration Tool - Linear Laser -VAS6350/3- on the Calibration Tool -VAS6350-.

- Put on "Laser eye protection".

- Align the Calibration Tool -VAS6350- so that the Calibration Tool - Linear Laser -VAS6350/3- strikes the center of the brand emblem on the rear lid.

Audi Q3. A96-11039

- Check the left and right distance between the catch bracket on the Calibration Tool -VAS6350- and measuring paddle -1- on wheel mountings again.

  • Specified value: 1700 +- 2 mm

Calibration Procedure

The following should not occur during the calibration procedure:

  • No metal reflectors may be located within a two m radius of the calibration device (for example, tool carts, metal cabinets).
  • Vehicle doors must not be opened or closed.
  • People should not sit in the vehicle.
  • People must not go between the vehicle and the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4-.

Audi Q3. N94-10684


- Switch on the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4- at the power switch -3-.

  • The green LED -1- must light up.


If the red LED -2- illuminates: Check the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4-.

- Follow the instructions on the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester display.

Audi Q3. A96-10358

During the course of the program, a request is made to switch the calibration unit for lane change assist -VAS6350/4- from the right to the left side of the Calibration Tool -VAS6350-.

- Switch the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4- off and move device.

  • When installed correctly, vehicle electrical system voltage line must be connected at bottom left of calibration device (as seen in direction of travel).

Dimension -a- is measured from the upper edge of calibration device to the floor.

Audi Q3. A96-10626

Audi Q3. Calibration Procedure

- The indicator on the base of the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4- must align with adjustment dimension on the measuring scale -1- on measuring field -arrow-.

Audi Q3. Calibration Procedure

- Switch on the Calibration Tool - Lane Change Calibration Tool -VAS6350/4- at the power switch -3-.

  • The green LED -1- must light up.

- Follow the instructions on the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester display.

- After calibrating the lane change assistance successfully, end "calibration", switch off the ignition and disconnect the diagnostic connector.

Audi Q3. A96-10358


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