Audi Q3: Overview - Seat Pan, Sill Panel/Tunnel Side Seat Side Trim on Power Front

1 - Bolt
2 - Front Seat
3 - Seat Side Trim on the Tunnel Side
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Side Trim on the Tunnel Side, Removing and Installing".
4 - Expanding Rivet
5 - Sill Panel Seat Side Trim Bracket
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Side Trim on Sill Panel Side, Removing and Installing,
Power Front Seat".
6 - Bolt
7 - Expanding Rivet
8 - Seat Side Sill Panel Trim
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Side Trim on Sill Panel Side, Removing and Installing,
Power Front Seat".
- Attach to the bracket and storage compartment
9 - Bolt
Overview - Seat Pan, Lumbar Support Adjustment Switch

1 - Seat Side Sill Panel Trim
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Side Trim on Sill Panel Side, Removing and Installing,
Power Front Seat".
2 - Bolt
3 - Driver Seat Lumbar Support Adjustment Switch -E176-
- Front passenger side Front Passenger Seat Lumbar Support Adjustment
Switch -E177-
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Driver/Front Passenger Seat Lumbar Support Adjustment Switch
-E176-/-E177-, Removing and Installing".
Overview - Seat Pan, Power Seat Adjustment Control Head

1 - Seat Side Sill Panel Trim
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Side Trim on Sill Panel Side, Removing and Installing,
Power Front Seat".
2 - Actuator
- For backrest adjustment
- clipped on
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Driver/Front Passenger Seat Adjustment Control Head
-E470-/-E471-, Removing and Installing".
- Press on until it engages audibly
3 - Actuator
- For seat adjustment
- Clipped on
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Driver/Front Passenger Seat Adjustment Control Head
-E470-/-E471-, Removing and Installing".
- Press on until it engages audibly
4 - Driver Seat Lumbar Support Adjustment Switch -E176-
- Front passenger side Front Passenger Seat Lumbar Support Adjustment
Switch -E177-
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Driver/Front Passenger Seat Lumbar Support Adjustment Switch
-E176-/-E177-, Removing and Installing".
5 - Bolt
6 - Bolt
7 - Driver Seat Adjustment Control Head -E470-
- with:
- Driver Backrest Adjustment Switch -E96-
- Driver Seat Angle Adjustment Switch -E222-
- Driver Seat Forward/Back Adjustment Switch -E363-
- Driver Seat Height Adjustment Switch -E364-
- Front passenger side: Front Passenger Seat Adjustment Control Head
-E471- with:
- Front Passenger Seat Forward/Back Adjustment Switch -E64-
- Front Passenger Backrest Adjustment Switch -E98-
- Front Passenger Seat Angle Adjustment Button -E334-
- Front Passenger Seat Height Adjustment Switch -E365-
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Driver/Front Passenger Seat Adjustment Control Head
-E470-/-E471-, Removing and Installing".
Overview - Seat Pan, Seat Height Adjustment

1 - Front Seat
2 - Seat Height Adjustment Handle
- Always replace if removed
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Height Adjuster, Removing and Installing".
- Push the handle all the way on
3 - Clip
- Always replace if removed
- Installed position
4 - Lever
- For seat height adjustment handle
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Height Adjuster, Removing and Installing".
5 - Bolt
6 - Bolt
7 - Bolt
8 - Seat Height Adjuster
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Height Adjuster, Removing and Installing".
Overview - Seat Pan, Seat Height Adjustment Motor

1 - Bolt
- 18 Nm
- Self-locking
- Replace
- Removing and Installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Driver/Front Passenger Seat Height Adjustment Motor
-V245-/-V246-, Removing and Installing".
- Threaded holes for bolts must be cleaned, for example, with a thread
2 - Not installed
3 - Seat pan
4 - Bolt
- 8 Nm
- Self-locking
- Replace
- Clean the threaded hole with a thread tap.
5 - Driver Seat Height Adjustment Motor -V245-
- Front passenger side: Front Passenger Seat Height Adjustment Motor
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Driver/Front Passenger Seat Height Adjustment Motor
-V245-/-V246-, Removing and Installing".
6 - Spindle guide
- Component of the seat height adjustment motor
Overview - Seat Pan, Seat Angle Adjuster

1 - Handle
- For seat angle adjuster
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Angle Adjustment Handle, Removing and Installing".
- Press until it engages completely
2 - Clip
- Replace the seat angle adjustment handle each time it is removed
- Installed position
3 - Bolt
- 6.5 Nm
- Self-locking
- Replace
- Threaded holes for bolts must be cleaned, for example, with a thread
4 - Shoulder pin
- Self-locking
- Replace
- Threaded hole for shoulder pin must be cleaned, for example, with
thread cutter
- 6 Nm
5 - Seat Angle Adjuster
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Seat Angle Adjuster, Removing and Installing".
Overview - Seat Pan, Seat Angle Adjustment Motor

1 - Bolt
- 8 Nm
- Self-locking
- Replace
- Clean the threaded hole with a thread tap.
2 - Seat Pan
3 - Spindle Nut
- Component of the angle adjustment motor
- Installed into the mount on the seat
4 - Bolt
- 8 Nm
- Self-locking
- Replace
- Clean the threaded hole with a thread tap.
5 - Washer
6 - Driver Seat Angle Adjustment Motor -V243-
- Front passenger side: Front Passenger Seat Angle Adjustment Motor
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Driver/Front Passenger Seat Angle Adjustment Motor
-V243-/-V244-, Removing and Installing".
1 - Retaining Tab
2 - Drawer
3 - Bolt
1.5 Nm
4 - Bolt
1.5 Nm
5 - Mount
For the drawer
Removing and installing. Refer to
Front Seat, Removing and Installing, Manual/Power
Special tools and workshop equipment
Universal Vehicle Protector -VAS871 001-
Airbag Lockout Adapter -VAS6282-
Connectors, Disconnecting and Connecting at Connector Station
Connector assignment. Refer to
→ Wiring diagrams, Troubleshooting & Component locations.
The connector stati
Fig. 76 Luggage compartment: lowering the cargo floor
Removing and installing the cargo floor
To remove the cargo floor, lift it by the handle 4.
Pull the cargo floor toward the vehicle rear, out
of the luggage compartment.
To insert the cargo floor, push it all the way toward
the backrest.
Fig. 66 Rear backrest: top tether anchors to secure a child
safety seat with an upper belt
Fig. 67 Rear backrest: securing the upper belt to the top
tether anchor
Observe the safety precautions.
There is a top tether anchor behind every seat in
the rear bench seat to additionally secure a child