Audi Q3 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q3: A-Pillar Trim Panel, Removing and Installing

Audi Q3 (8U) 2011-2018 Service Manual / Body / Body Interior / Interior Trim / A-Pillar Trim Panel, Removing and Installing

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Pry Lever -80-200-
  • Omega Clip Tool -T40280-



Follow all safety precautions when working with pyrotechnic components. Refer to → Chapter "Pyrotechnic Components Safety Precautions".

- Remove the instrument panel side cover. Refer to → Chapter "Instrument Panel Side Cover, Removing and Installing".

- Unclip the A-pillar gap cover -1- using the Trim Removal Wedge -3409--arrows- and remove.

Audi Q3. A70-10858

- Pry out the expanding cap -1- with the "airbag" symbol with a screwdriver -arrow A-.

- Carefully loosen the A-pillar upper trim panel -2- starting at the top using a Pry Lever -80-200- up to the first retainer -arrow B-.

- Pull the trim up -arrow C- to disengage the clamps with the hooks. The clamps will slide out of the mounting point on the body.

- Pull the upper A-pillar trim out of the instrument panel and remove it.

Audi Q3. A70-10988



  • Follow all safety precautions when working with pyrotechnic components. Refer to → Chapter "Pyrotechnic Components Safety Precautions".
  • Do not pinch the head curtain airbag when installing the upper A-pillar trim.

Install in reverse order of removal. Note the following:

- Insert upper A-pillar trim -1- in the mount on the instrument panel -arrow-.

Installation notes, for example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - A-Pillar Trim Panel".

Audi Q3. A70-11084

B-Pillar Trim Panel, Removing and Installing

Upper B-Pillar Trim, Removing and Installing

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Trim Removal Wedge -3409-



Follow all safety precautions when working with pyrotechnic components. Refer to → Chapter "Pyrotechnic Components Safety Precautions".

- Remove the front belt end fitting. Refer to → Chapter "Front Belt End Fitting, Removing and Installing".

- Move seat belt height adjuster to the lowest position.

- Position the Trim Removal Wedge -3409- at the bottom edge of the trim and unclip the upper B-pillar trim -2- off the B-pillar -arrows A-.

- Remove the upper B-pillar trim panel from the bracket on the body -arrow B- by moving the trim panel toward the inside and pulling it downward at the same time.

- Guide the seat belt webbing and the belt tongue -1- out through the slide for the seat belt height adjuster -3- and then remove the B-pillar trim panel.

Audi Q3. A70-10777



  • Follow all safety precautions when working with pyrotechnic components. Refer to → Chapter "Pyrotechnic Components Safety Precautions".
  • Do not pinch the head curtain airbag when installing the B-pillar trim.

- Guide the belt webbing and seat belt latch in through the slide for the seat belt height adjuster.


Ensure that the seat belt height adjuster is in the lowest position.

- First, insert the B-pillar trim panel -3- upward into the mount on the roof.

  • The mount -2- for the sliding piece of the upper B-pillar trim panel must engage in the retaining pin -1- on the seat belt height adjuster -arrow-.

Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation notes, for example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - B-Pillar Trim Panel".

Audi Q3. A70-11688

Lower B-Pillar Trim Panel, Removing and Installing

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Pry Lever -80-200-


- Remove the upper B-pillar trim panel. Refer to → Chapter "Upper B-Pillar Trim, Removing and Installing".

- Unclip the front sill panel trim -3- in the rear area of the lower B-pillar trim. Refer to → Chapter "Front Sill Panel Strip, Removing and Installing".

- Unclip the rear sill panel trim -1- in the front area of the lower B-pillar trim. Refer to → Chapter "Rear Sill Panel Strip, Removing and Installing".

- Unclip the B-pillar lower trim panel -2- starting at the top of the B-pillar -A arrows- using the Pry Lever -80 - 200-.

- Unclip and remove the lower B-pillar trim from the sill -arrow B-.

Audi Q3. A70-10778


Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation notes, for example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - B-Pillar Trim Panel".

C-Pillar Trim Panel, Removing and Installing

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Pry Lever -80-200-
  • Omega Clip Tool -T40280-



Follow all safety precautions when working with pyrotechnic components. Refer to → Chapter "Pyrotechnic Components Safety Precautions".

- Remove the rear outer belt guide. Refer to → Chapter "Rear Seat Belt Guide, Removing and Installing".

- Remove the C-pillar trim panel -1- from the C-pillar -arrow A- using the Pry Lever - 80-200-.

- Remove the upper C-pillar trim from the bracket on the body -arrow B- by moving the trim toward the inside and pulling it downward at the same time.



  • Follow all safety precautions when working with pyrotechnic components. Refer to → Chapter "Pyrotechnic Components Safety Precautions".
  • Do not pinch the head curtain airbag when installing the C-pillar trim.

Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation notes, for example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - C-Pillar Trim Panel".

Audi Q3. A70-11652

D-Pillar Trim Panel, Removing and Installing

Seat Belt Guide Cover, Removing and Installing


- Versions with a side cushion: remove the side cushion. Refer to → Chapter "Rear Side Padding With Side Airbag, Removing and Installing".

- Remove the rear sill trim. Refer to → Chapter "Rear Sill Panel Strip, Removing and Installing".

- Remove the luggage compartment side trim. Refer to → Chapter "Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel, Removing and Installing".

- Remove the cover -1- from the C-pillar trim and the D-pillar trim -arrows-.

- Disengage the cover from the belt guide and remove.


Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation notes, for example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - C-Pillar Trim Panel".

Audi Q3. A70-11718

D-Pillar Trim Panel, Removing and Installing

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Pry Lever -80-200-
  • Omega Clip Tool -T40280-


- Remove the cover from the seat belt guide Refer to → Chapter "Seat Belt Guide Cover, Removing and Installing".

- Unclip the D-pillar trim panel -1- using the Pry Lever -80-200--arrows-.


Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation notes, for example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - D-Pillar Trim Panel".

Audi Q3. A70-11719


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