Audi Q3 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q3: Suspension, Wheels, Steering

Audi Q3 (8U) 2011-2018 Service Manual / Chassis / Suspension, Wheels, Steering


 General, Technical data

 General Information

Suspension 1: Front/rear track width, applies only to 215/65/R16 standard tires on 6.5Jx16 ET33 rims. Steering Tire Types General information on wheel/tire combinations, winter tires, snow c

 Repair Information

Shock Absorber Leaks Shock absorbers are frequently rejected and exchanged because of leaks. Examinations on the test stand and on the vehicle have shown that the replacement of a large number of


 Control Module and Hydraulic Unit

Overview - Control Module and Hydraulic Unit 1 - Brake Booster Removing and installing, refer to → Chapter "Brake Booster, Removing and Installing". 2 - Brake Line Master brake cylinder/primary piston circuit to hydraulic control unit Identification: 6.

 General Information

Vehicles with a High Voltage System (Hybrid Vehicles) Extremely Dangerous Due to High-Voltage The high-voltage system is under high-voltage. Death or serious bodily injury by electric shock. - Individuals with electronic/medical life- and health sustaining machines in or on their person

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