Audi Q3 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q3: Tie Rod, Removing and Installing

Tie Rod, Removing and Installing, FWD Vehicles

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Torque Wrench 1331 5-50Nm -VAG1331-
  • Torque Wrench 1332 40-200Nm -VAG1332-


- Measure dimension from center of wheel to lower edge of wheel housing. Refer to → Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil Spring".

- Remove the affected rear wheel. Refer to → Chapter "Wheels and Tires".

- Remove the nut -1- and pull the coupling rod -2- out of the stabilizer bar.

Audi Q3. A42-10567

- Remove the bolts -arrows- for the stabilizer bar clamp. Refer to → Chapter "Stabilizer Bar, Removing and Installing".

Audi Q3. A42-10577

- Remove the nut -4- and bolt -3-.

- Remove the nut -1- and then remove the bolt to the rear.

- Remove the tie rod -2-.

Audi Q3. A42-10584


Installation is reverse of removal, noting the following:

  • The tie rod may only be fastened when the dimension between wheel hub center and lower edge of wheel housing, measured before assembly, is achieved. Refer to → Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil Spring".

- An axle alignment may be required. Refer to → Chapter "Evaluating Need for Axle Alignment".

Tie Rod, Removing and Installing, AWD Vehicles

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Torque Wrench 1331 5-50Nm -VAG1331-
  • Torque Wrench 1332 40-200Nm -VAG1332-


- Measure dimension from center of wheel to lower edge of wheel housing. Refer to → Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil Spring".

- Remove the affected rear wheel. Refer to → Chapter "Wheels and Tires".

- Remove the nut -1- and pull the coupling rod -2- out of the stabilizer bar.

Audi Q3. A42-10567

- Remove the bolts -arrows- for the stabilizer bar clamp.

Audi Q3. A42-10577

- Remove the nut -4- and bolt -3-.

- Remove the nut -1- and then remove the bolt to the rear.

- Remove the bolt -2-.

Audi Q3. A42-10584


Installation is reverse of removal, noting the following:

  • The control arm may only be fastened if the dimension between the wheel hub center and lower edge of wheel housing, measured before assembly, is achieved. Refer to → Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil Spring".

- Install the coil spring. Refer to → Chapter "Spring, Removing and Installing".

- An axle alignment may be required. Refer to → Chapter "Evaluating Need for Axle Alignment".


     Suspension Strut/Shock Absorber, Spring

    Overview - Suspension Strut, Shock Absorber and Spring 1 - Lower Spring Support Spring end rotated up to stop 2 - Coil Spring Removing and installing. Refer to →&

     Overview - Wheel Bearing

    Overview - Wheel Bearing, Vehicles with FWD 1 - Cover 2 - Bracket 3 - Bolt 50 Nm + 45º Always replace if removed 4 - Coupling Rod 5 - 

     Wheel Bearing Housing, Removing and Installing

    Wheel Bearing Housing, Removing and Installing, FWD Vehicles Special tools and workshop equipment required Torque Wrench 1332 40-200Nm -VAG1332- Removing - Measure dimension from cente


     General Information

    ABS Repair Instructions ABS malfunctions do not affect the brake system and the booster. Conventional brake system stays operative even without ABS. A change in braking behavior should be checked. When the ABS warning lamp comes on the rear wheels can lock-up early when braking!  

     Wheel Bearing Housing, Removing and Installing

    Special tools and workshop equipment required Puller - Ball Joint -3287A- Torque Wrench 1332 40-200Nm -VAG1332- Engine and Gearbox Jack -VAS6931- Digital Torque Wrench -VAG1756A- Spreader Tool -3424- Removing - Loosen the drive axle threaded connection on the wheel side. Ref

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